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The shape of your face, the length of your hair, the style you wear, even the color of your skin determines and emphasizes the best option for you when choosing your jewelry. Many times we get carried away by what is fashionable or we simply want to wear something that we like because we saw it in a shop window or because others like it, but that is not everything, nor does it guarantee that it will look good on you, since some peoples have different styles, height, face shape and many other aspects to consider. Here are some tips for you to take into account when selecting your jewelry according to the shape of your face.


Tip number 1

Identify the shape of your favor. the images below can help you 

Tips number 2

Choose the Jewelry according to what do you want to archive according to your face shapes and occasion and remember always the face shape is to place the jewelry away from the widest part of your face (red line in the images above). for example if you want to emphasize your neck you can choose long drop earring for an sexy look.

 Tips number 3 

For Triangular or Diamond face you need to complement your face shapes by filling in the green area as showed in the picture below .


  • Wear earrings as close to your eyes as possible for a romantic look
  • Go for round, organic shapes that soften your jaw line.
  • If you have a diamond-shaped face, short necklaces can make the jaw line look more balanced.
  • Don’ts:
  • Earrings that are longer than your chin!





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